Saturday, August 01, 2009

Kevin is healing more every day. He is sleeping a lot the last couple of days, but I believe it is due to the wound healing and just over doing it. He is only taking one perkaset to do the changes. Thursday night his hip and shoulder were bothering him so he took a paing killer to help him sleep. We have our routine now and that is what works best for us. Deviatiion from the morning schedule is frought with uglyness.
Kevin goes to the Doctor on Monday, this is the GP so not much will happen. Next Monday he goes to the Urologist and gets the cathater out! Then that Wednesday we see the Oncologist, that entails an MRI, and bloodwork. We should also have an apointment made for the Colal Rectal visit after the Urologist.
All in all everything is going well. Ther are always a few bumps along the way, but we ;were both prepaired for the realities of what his care would entail this time around. This realistic thinking has helped to keep our expectations in check. Nothing worse than expecting far more that you will actualy recieve. Kevin is really being realistic about this. He no longer acts as though I am a qualified nurse, and does as much for himself as he can. I think this is very good for him. He needs to keep as much indepedence as possible. His speach is doing excelent also. The speach has made a huge imporvement to his whole outlook.

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