Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kevin update

Kevin is sleeping longer. He can no longer swallow any pills. He has stopped his Kepra, for seizures, and is starting to loose touch with reality. Last evening he wanted his shoes to take his pain medicine. This was a little funny. He is getting meaner when he is awake. He thought he need to poop at 3 this morning so Dave and I got him on the bedpan, noxious gasses emanated from him but that was all. He insisted that I wipe his hiney and show him the wipe before he would let up get him back to bed, this was after insisting we change the diaper, that was not dirty at all. This morning he had to double check that he was getting the correct dose of morphine, when I told him this was not necessary he wanted me to get out. I proceeded to inform him that he would be getting out to the hospital, this effected a quick change in his attitude. He is much nicer now. I am going to have the port accessed tomorrow so he can get the meds with an intravenous push rather than by mouth. I think this will eliminate a lot of problems with him waiting until the pin is intense to get help. I just want him to be comfortable. A pleasant disposition would not hurt either.

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