Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Daily Grind

Kevin has been home for several days and we are getting into our routine. Breakfast, getting cleaned up, dressing change, 1-2 hour nap, then up for the day. Kevin is keeping buss with Sudoku and reading.
Last night Joey and his family came by for a visit. It was nice to see them, and the vacation was obviously getting to them all. Camping for a week can do one in.
The nurse came on Tuesday and will return today. Kevin has a Dr. visit this Monday and the next. We return to the oncologist on the 12th. I am amazed at how quickly he is bouncing back this time. Some of his days are not as good. He is having more good than not so good. He is happy for any outside contact. We are usually ready to receive visitor and phone calls after 12pm. No formal invitation is required.

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