Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kevin is holing his own

Kevin is about the same. He is usually lucid from 5 until about8or so. The rest of the time the morphine, and every hing else keeps him sleeping or in a state of drudged euphoria. He is in no pain most of the time. He is lasting far longer than anyone expected. He is appearing to be less mentally acute. He is confused easily and very firm that he is correct. Like this is anything new.
On to a more serious note. When talking or visiting with him Kevin requests that his wish of no prayer or talk of religion take place. He is very adamant on this and I will not allow him to be upset by it. Everyone makes choices about what one believes and how they go about acting upon that belief. This will extend to the services following his passing. I want to make this perfectly clear. NO REFERENCE TO RELIGION OR OPEN PRAYER WILL BE TOLERATED!!!. If you wish to pray privately for the family or for Kevin this is your choice. This is what Kevin wants and we ask that you honor his wishes and respect what he wants. We understand that may be difficult for some and if you can not respect this please do not attend and remember him in your own way.

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