Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kevin Request

Kevin has asked that only family visit from now on. He is unable to speak on the phone also.
Kevin had a bad day yesterday. He is awake very little. When he is awake he is a little foggy, I believe due to the morphine. He is exhausted just by peeing. This morning he appears a little better. He is keeping a fever and has no apatite unless I mention it and he eats just to spite me. Little does he know that this is my plan (Ha Ha). I will keep with the updates as they progress.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin & Kenny,
    I am really sorry for all that you are going through. I wish I had a miracle cure.
    I am also sorry that we were not in touch long before this. Kevin, it is a great thing to have someone who loves you so much. I can see that Kenny really does! Kenny, take care of yourself to! I have not meant to offend you. It is just that I have found great joy in assurance of an eternal life of happiness when my time comes to leave this world and wanted to share that with you. If you ever want to hear about this, please let me or someone-else know!
    You'll be glad you did. I won't bring this up again, unless you ask. Kevin, I am happy that you have been given a chance to say your good-bye's. You will not be forgotten!
    Love, Traci
