Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Extende Care

Kevin is making leaps and bounds of progress! He walked over 200 feet yesterday. He was able to stand up to brush his teeth, shave, and put in his contacts. He is in good spirits and is even progressing with the Speech Therapist. Keith, Doris and his parents came over on Saturday for a visit. Rich, Heather and the girls came by on Sunday, then my parents. Later in the afternoon Mark came by to visit for a while. The wound appears to be healing very well.
I have been able to get back on the bike, so maybe I can get my blood sugars under control again. The cats have decided that Kevin is now gone for good and have completely taken over both sides of the bed leaving me the middle.
It is time to get moving. I have to stop and get some magazines and a paper or Kevin. Th paper is for his Speech Therapy. He gets to read the cartoons aloud.

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