Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Forgetting things

Yesterday was a late start. I did not get out of the house until after noon. I did manage to get the majority of the address changes done though. I went to the condo and did a little touch up painting. Decided that the Kitchen will get the final coat of paint after the move. I needed a little time to myself and went to see New Moon. It was OK, the wolf stud was the one she should have chosen, not nelly little Edward. That Bella has a lot to learn about men! Well i was on my way home form the movie at 6:45 and realized the the grief counseling session started at 6:30! I managed to get their by 7:30 and had an hour left. I felt so stupid.
We did talk about feeling guilty and angry. Two points that seem to control me. The advice was right on. Who is this anger really hurting, and why waste the emotion. The later is answered with anger gives me energy, and strength. The first, who is it really hurting, is really me. I am holding on to anger so I do not have to let go of Kevin. I truly can not see a future without him in it and being mad at him keeps him here with me. The trick is to replace that anger with a more positive feeling. I was also still fuming over the memorial at Valhalla. The photo that Ed and Virgina chose was terrible. It was from Kevin's 30Th birthday at the house on S. Virgina. His dad thought it was form his 20Th birthday. When I asked why they did not contact me to get a newer photo all I got was a shrug, and I don't know. Was this a way for them to take control of the service? Probably not intentionally. I do feel as if Kevin's wishes were not honored. I also understand that this was for the survivors, not the deceased. I consider it my duty to keep Kevin's wishes upheld. I will have to be more vigilant with this.
I just do not understand how someone can be so cavalier with the wishes of a dead man who was someone that you loved. I am probably blowing this out of proportion; but I am furious over it. I do believe that the manager of Valhalla has a clear picture on who is to be contacted about further matters involving Kevin. He did not get back to me yesterday, but I will give him until Friday, then contact him again. I am sure he will have the issues solved in a prompt manner.

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