Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not feeling so hot

I have woke up with a head cold!! Well it could be worse. The Neon is gone, the buyers picked it up last night about 5. A little sad to see it go, but not sad enough that the cash did not negate the sad. I went to Clem's for dinner and the chicken and dumplings hit the spot. I had a nice time eating by myself. The people watching in the restaurant was fabulous. I am going to look at the Colebrook property for the second time today. Teresa, Keith and Doris are also going to see it. With luck an offer can be made this evening. I am not going to get my hopes up too much. If it happens great, if not there is a place for me somewhere better.
Even though I feel icky for the head cold, emotionally I am doing well. Time does seem to help with managing the grief. It does not lessen you just learn to cope with it as part of your life. You put it away as best you can and when it breaks free let it go. I have found that works for me. I am actually getting use to being alone. The house once I am in it does not oppress me as much as before. The truly hard part is when I come from somewhere and have to face our empty home. That is what hurts the most. I do still talk to Kevin not as much. He would not like me to dwell on the past. Kevin was a practical man and would insist that I get control and move forward. Life is a flowing thing and I am really feeling like I am no longer swimming against the tide. This is a good thing because I can barley swim. Another thing that Kevin was better at than me. He always kept an eye on me when we were at the lake. I think he was afraid I would not ask for help if I needed it. He knew me far too well.
Off to get some medication and re up a script. Can not wait to see how this works with the insurance debacle.

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