Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life moves me forward

Registered for classes this fall at UMSL today. I am considered a Junior level student. Trying to get everything caught up after being gone so much the past couple of weeks. Went to Jasper to watch Joey, and Becky's brood. Becky and Zack went to DC for his 16Th birthday. With a total of 7 self at home it was busy. the ages range for 4 to 11. Amazingly enough the 2 youngest, 4 year olds, were little to no trouble at all. The others are old enough to need some drama going on most of the time. It is interesting to see how they manipulate one another to get yet another mad. I wish that I had a camera recording all of it. That would be reality TV.
On the way back yesterday I found my thoughts turning to Kevin. He has been on my mind a lot lately. I am not sure if it is because I went out on a real date Saturday night or what. I had a good time and enjoyed the evening. I must admit that I feel a little bad for having a good time with another man. I know in my mind that I shouldn't but I do so there is little that can be done about it. Moving on is far more difficult than one can imagine. Sometimes I still wake up and expect Kevin to be in bed next to me, that is only a rarity anymore. When it does happen I feel a huge relief until reality sinks in, then I just sigh and go on. I probably will always do this to some extent.
This is the longest post I have done in a long time. I need to keep up with this more. Face book is more of an interactive formant, but it is short and sometimes a little awkward.

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