Monday, March 16, 2009

Kevin is improving quicker than the doctors expected. He starts his full program of rehab today. He still is not able to get out of bed by himself, or for that matter sit up by himself. The therapist will try to get him walking again this week. He is healing well. In the beginning it took three rol of gauze to fill the wound now he is just taking one. His sirits are still good. He is a little frightened to be alone because he can do so little for himself, could have something to do with his control isses. His apatite is doing good. Visits from the family and friends realy help him keep a positive outlook.
I am waiting to hear from the oncologist about when and how we will start the chemo reatments again. I don't think it will be for a few weeks at least. His speech is not good so he is not very willing to have a long conversation. Over the weekend My mother and sister came, Doris and his parents came, and Barb and Jerry came to see him. Barb made some bread to drool over.
Joey anad Becky got their houseand I believe they closed this weekend. They were very excited to get a place large enough and without a flood in the basement everytime it rains. I convinced Jackson (the youngest) that the babtisomal font in the sanctary area was his private swimming pool. Uncle Kenny strikes again!
Dan is progressing on the rehab for the house they are going to live in hile finishing up school. I am sure they, as well as Keith and Doris are anous to get that done. Kiley will be one next month. Kevin will hopefuly be able to get to the party. Zack was four this month and at his birthday party is when Kevin really started to hurt form the infection.
BUT Drew is my buddy, he is so easly currupted. He has learded to do a manical laugh from me, and now we are learning to tell pretty women "back at ya babe". I am sure this is every parents dream. Katie still rembers how to dance with a pole, she has to get through college some how.
Well I must get backto the real world and start another day now


  1. Hope that the progress continues positively.
    Kenny don't corrupt Drew too badly.

  2. I'm glad you included us in the update :) and I'm glad Kevin is progressing so nicely! Your little Drew isn't feeling so well right now, he's got a bit of a stomach bug. Once he gets better, I'm sure he'll enjoy another teaching session from his Uncle Kenny!
